To India to see Sathya Sai Baba
1999 Having had the good fortune to travel to India to see Sathya Sai Baba he and his wife were given an interview by Baba. During the interview Alex mentioned a suggestion that had been voiced by "one of your staff I should illustrate your life story Swami". Sathya Sai Baba confirmed "go ahead with your plan it will be successful".Born in London. Alexander Prowse PS trained to paint and illustrate at Harrow School of Art. Head of Drawing and Painting Christopher Saunders RA held the chair of painting at the RA and had considerable infulence on Alexanders work .Elected to the Royal miniature Society and the Pastel Society. He regularly showed at both society.He has exhibited widely at the Federation of British Artists, The Royal West of England Academy, and held the office of Webmaster and Council Member of The Pastel Society for many years .Winner of the Manya Igel Fine Art Award, 1995.Frank Herring Award, 2000. One man shows in London, Mexico, Venezuela, and the U.S. His work may be found in a large number of collections including that of Lord and Lady Sainsbury, and The Saddlers Wells Theatre. Alex was commissioned by ILEA for a large watercolour which was presented to Jaques Chirac and now hangs in The Hotel de Ville, Paris.

He applies skilful draughtsmanship in many mediums to produce an exciting range of images, these include unusually both figure and landscape subject matter, from recording life on the Inland waterways to his work with dancers of the Royal Ballet at The Opera House, London.His open studio featured in the channel 4 television series ‘ Water Stories ‘